Online classes are now possible for every type of class, for all age groups of students and for most courses that are available across the globe. Online classes have made it possible for students to complete courses that might be running in another country or that might be conducted in a different time zone or a course that might be useful for their goals and might not be available in your university. Online classes have opened the doors to a world full of possibilities and opportunities. It has given the teachers creative freedom to experiment with teaching techniques and various tools for online education. It has given students the flexibility to attend classes from anywhere and at any time. Learning has been made so much easier thanks to online classes. Students can make notes online, create assignments, share presentations and use the various other features of online classes apps to improve learning. Teachers can get creative while making content, use online tools to make their lessons more interactive and also use the features for continuously monitoring the progress of students.
Mainly, there are two types of methods in which online classes are conducted– live classes and online video-based classes. Both these types of classes are conducted using various education apps and websites for the benefit of students. In this article, we will be discussing with you the benefits of video-based curse and how attending these classes helps you in learning better and gaining more knowledge. These courses benefit you in gaining more skills and also collect certificates that will help you in the future.
Video-based courses have been conducted online even before the pandemic hit and have been successful in providing students with the subject material they need outside of school or college and gaining the skills they need for their goals and the certificates they will need for admissions or job interviews.
Video-based classes are conducted on various online portals including apps and websites. The videos provided in these courses are pre-recorded and have a set duration. These videos can be accessed by the students from anywhere at any time. Unlike live classes, the students movie zwap do not have to be present at a specific time for their class and can learn as and when it is convenient for them. This makes it possible for regular school and university students as well as working professionals to take these courses alongside their busy schedules or during the weekends when they have time.
The videos offered in these courses can be paused and replayed which gives the students time to understand the concept being explained and also take notes related to the same. The videos can be revisited and replayed by the students as many times as they want. It is easy to rewatch videos to brush up on a few concepts before taking the next class. The videos can be slowed down or fast-forwarded depending on how the students want to attend the class. Being able to replay the video multiple time also gives the students scope for revision of a specific topic if needed.
These courses use various tools for making the lessons interactive. While there is no teacher present in real-time during these classes, the videos are created in a way that it appears a teacher is talking to you and asking you questions. These questions can be answered by the student using the AI chatbots or the answering tools offered by the platform. The technology is such that a question answered correctly or answered wrong can both be detected and the suitable response movie zwap will be given by the recorded video. This makes these videos interactive as well.
Most of these courses assign work to the students at the end of each video. These assignments are designed such that completing them would help students understand the next topic better. While there may or may not be a way for these assignments to be checked, it definitely helps the students in staying ahead of the class and practising what is taught in class.
Most video-based online courses have pre-designed tests that can be attempted by the students to check their own progress and these tests are also useful when applying to get a certificate for the completion of the course.